Monday, December 11, 2006

My First 25

To help anyone stuck get started, here are my first 25!

Nicole's 100 Things To Do, To Be in 2007

  1. Start an organic garden
  2. Eat something I grow
  3. Go to a farmer’s market
  4. Finish The Goal
  5. Finish Finding Home
  6. Write a letter to someone instead of an email --1/17
  7. Write a series of lesson plans for a unit on creative nonfiction
  8. Pick wildflowers
  9. Read “This Organic Life”--1/12
  10. Read one book from my To Be Read shelf
  11. Change to diet pop
  12. Join or participate in a nonprofit organization
  13. Submit The Road That Leads Home for publication
  14. Minimize (Go through all my boxed up stuff and get rid of unneeded items)
  15. Get and stay up to date with photo album
  16. Make 1 new friend
  17. Reach out to an old friend
  18. Throw a party
  19. Drink with Christina
  20. Ask a question when I’d usually be too embarrassed
  21. Go to a movie by myself
  22. Sled, ice skate, swim or play hide-and-go-seek –do something from my childhood
  23. Get a real haircut
  24. Keep a secret
  25. Hike at least once a month—a different trail each month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> Ask a question when I’d usually be too embarrassed

I really like this one. :) Maybe I'll create a list of my own! 100 things seems like a lot, though... I might have to start with 10!